Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Dream..the final piece of the puzzle

And then came the dream....

A few months later, I had a night visitation in the form of a dream and all was made clear. 

Dreams of this sort are incredibly clarifying and dense with meaning.  There is a vividness which makes the dream quite real and unforgettable... a dream with great impact. 

My 1st boss was a fearsome Catholic nun. She ran the kitchen at the Catholic hospital. She was the 1st morbidly obese person I had ever seen.  From the moment when she came through the doors on 2 special canes and fell into a huge chair that had been custom-built to hold her girth, plates of food were handed to her.  I never saw Sister without a fork in hand.  She ate non-stop.  She was always in a sour mood and we did our best to avoid her.   One day, we came to work and Sister was gone.  We found that she had died.  She was not old. We knew that things would be easier with her passing and breathed a sigh of relief.  But 72 hrs. later, I woke up a different person. For much of the next 20 years, ALL I could think about was my next morsel of food. I was in a hell on fully taken over as I slept innocently at the age of 16, that it never occurred to me that her death was the trigger... 
So now to the dream...

In the dream 'Sister' came to me after all those years.  It was completely unexpected.  I had not once thought of her in decades.  But she was here now to show me what had taken place. 
You will notice a shift of tone and 'voice'.  These are her words and understanding...

'Sister' conveyed to me that she herself had been in the murderous grip of an entity with a raging lust for food. 
It had tried ...and eventually succeeded in taking her life.  
When she died, the parasitic  thing that took her out of life...the murderous entity...required a new host to feed off of....a new body.
Sister showed me that she had inadvertently created an emotional bridge between us and that the entity was able to use this 'bridge' to make the leap to its new
She had created this bridge simply in the act of sitting in her familiar corner and staring at my perfect little 16 year old body with envy and lust.  She sat in her food trance and her eyes bore into me.  Day after day, she envied me and was resentful.  
The emotional and energetic connection was built in this way.  
Though she knew it was wrong, she did not understand how things really worked in the unseen realms and because of this, the damage was done.  She had not intended it. 

She made her appearance in order to explain things to me and to ask for my forgiveness.  
I was instantly struck by the truth of what she showed me.
It was as if my eyes were suddenly opened and I saw things clearly for the very first time. 

There was another layer of existence to be considered....that of the unseen...spirits! 

The mechanism of what had happened to me was quite hidden from me all those terrible years.  
It was no wonder that none of the answers I had come up with through all the years had ever quite fit.  It was all just fumbling in the dark...

In the dream experience, I was given a span of time in which to think things over and make my forgive her...  or not. 
I briefly re-experienced the whole panorama of events. I felt everything associated with it.
The resentment, the pain of those years, the shame and self recrimination, the terror as I lost control, the unfairness of it all...for me...and also for her. 

She had been as ignorant and deeply disturbed by something beyond her control as I was.
And her religious instruction was just as wanting as mine.       It was, tragically, of no help...

But at this stage, she had to make amends and seek my forgiveness. 

I considered all of this in my heart and I knew that I must forgive her. 
She also had suffered horribly in many ways.  I could feel her deep remorse and sorrow

I said from my heart, ‘Yes...I forgive you.            
You didn't understand how things worked.  I didn't either. 
Of course I forgive you!"
It was the truth.  
I felt so unburdened.  There was no need for anger or punishment.  It was just simple in the light of what had happened.   
Moments later she was gone.  Her mission completed.  
Her warfare ended. 
The dream ended peacefully and I slept a bit longer.

When morning dawned,  I awoke with the experience of a final shattering of the obsession.  As if a tiny grenade had exploded in my stomach, I felt shards of metal fly away from me in all directions.  And I heard a hideous shriek as the demon flew away.
The final remnants...

From that time up to the present day,  it feels so completely gone as if it had never existed.
Like a total erasure of history.  I could not recover the feeling if I tried.

In the next post, I will share some insights in retrospect and will show what I have learned about this layer of reality.  I'll talk about how these things happen and how to recover...

If any of you would like to post comments, ask questions or share your experiences privately, please add your comments or write to me @   


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